Qualified MS4 Stormwater Inspector (QSI) – ONLINE COURSE

REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE (see below or main calendar).

MS4 STORMWATER PERMITS REQUIRE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PERFORM ONSITE INSPECTIONS.  This training will satisfy those requirements.  You will receive a certification valid for three years with successful completion of the course.  CEU’s or PDH’s are issued with your certification.

qualified stormwater inspector course iconIf you aren’t inspecting construction sites, then you are doing inspections at industrial sites. You may be inspecting your own municipal operations including the motor pool, all the parks and golf courses, and the other municipal operations. You are constantly looking for illicit dumping and illicit connections. Finally, what about all those retail stores that are discharging pollutants into your MS4? It never ends. Stormwater permits require that Qualified Inspectors be knowledgeable in the principles and practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention, possess the skills to assess conditions that could affect stormwater quality, and determine the effectiveness of stormwater control measures. In addition, you must know about all the other potential sources of pollutants, where they come from, and what BMPs work best to stop them. That’s a lot for you to know and do!  This one-day online course will help address all these inspection issues.

This course offers you a dynamic, field oriented, real-world exploration of how to perform all MS4 type inspections. You will learn why you must do all these inspections as well as inspection techniques and strategies that will make you more efficient and your job easier. During this discussion you will be introduced to inspection and evaluation methods and techniques to ensure that your MS4 stays in compliance with its permit requirements.

We will discuss how to do inspections of MS4 facilities and what BMPs meet permit requirements in addition how to perform inspections of state CGP permittees that discharge to the local MS4. The emphasis will be to ensure that the MS4 that receives the discharges from construction sites are in compliance with their MS4 permit. Industrial site inspection methods and techniques will be discussed to ensure the MS4 is in compliance with their permit.

The final component of the course will be the discussion of Best Management Practices (BMPs) – what works, what doesn’t work, and what to do if something fails. We will discuss LID and Green Infrastructure techniques, as these now may be incorporated into MS4 permit compliance.

This one-day online course is designed for MS4 inspectors of all kinds (stormwater, engineering, code enforcement, health, and water quality), construction site and industrial personnel that may encounter MS4 stormwater issues including stormwater inspectors, building inspectors, engineering review staff, administrative personnel, environmental staff, water quality staff, public works staff, municipal maintenance staff, and stormwater managers. You will be discussing how your MS4 operates, and you will also learn how other MS4s represented in the course meet the same requirements that you must meet.

While this course is now offered online only, the video below offers a glimpse of the course as taught by instructor Fred Heitman. In this video, Fred discusses onsite construction inspections.

Qualified MS4 Stormwater Inspector (QSI)

Online - no venue , United States

This one-day online course is designed for MS4 inspectors of all kinds (stormwater, engineering, code enforcement, health, and water quality), construction site and industrial personnel that may encounter MS4 stormwater issues including stormwater inspectors, building inspectors, engineering review staff.

Qualified MS4 Stormwater Inspector (QSI)

Online - no venue , United States

This one-day online course is designed for MS4 inspectors of all kinds (stormwater, engineering, code enforcement, health, and water quality), construction site and industrial personnel that may encounter MS4 stormwater issues including stormwater inspectors, building inspectors, engineering review staff.

Qualified MS4 Stormwater Inspector (QSI)

Online - no venue , United States

This one-day online course is designed for MS4 inspectors of all kinds (stormwater, engineering, code enforcement, health, and water quality), construction site and industrial personnel that may encounter MS4 stormwater issues including stormwater inspectors, building inspectors, engineering review staff.

Qualified MS4 Stormwater Inspector (QSI)

Online - no venue , United States

This one-day online course is designed for MS4 inspectors of all kinds (stormwater, engineering, code enforcement, health, and water quality), construction site and industrial personnel that may encounter MS4 stormwater issues including stormwater inspectors, building inspectors, engineering review staff.